About Smart

Smart Hopewell
2 min readDec 12, 2022

Smart Hopewell is a Dyslexic black British, Game narrative writer/producer, and speaker working in Edinburgh, Scotland. For the past 20 years as a writer, designer, content creator, producer, and speaker. Smart’s work features a unique blend of storytelling with a message of hope.

As a Neurodivergent Smart runs a successful YouTube channel, called Psalm Lab with 1,914k subscribers. — Viewers can experience a range of helpful topics like cinematic game narrative, Neurodiversity, Games design, and Mental health. Encouraging, inspiring and equipping his community to have hope and keep doing the impossible.

Currently, he is producing his first ever! Web series titled; “Old Chicago — Wild Hunt”. Based on the triple A game Destiny 2, by Bungie. The story centres around three Guardians, tasked with investigating a Golden Age city long forgotten, and why every Guardian sent there, goes missing.

It is set to debut in 2023. Visit oldchicagoseries.com to stay up to date on all the latest, and behind the scene’s content.

Smart regularly makes appearances at games studios, business, conference, and events to inspire and encourage other creatives in achieving the impossible.

CI (Creative Informatics) Showcase 2022 — Explore Panel

Talking Heads, July 2018

Code Base on The Couch, July 2020

Arcadia Game fest Microtalk, 2021

If you enjoyed listening, reading or watching this article, and would like to get in touch with Smart? For consulting, speaking, or advice? Then consider sending an email here or comment below and he’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.

