How to Improve Destiny 2’s Public Events

What’s the future for Public Events?

Smart Hopewell
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2021


Article Audio Narration — source: Psalm Lab.

Thinking back to my very first time playing an MMORPG, it was one of the most thrilling moments in gaming. If you’re like me in your early 30’s, it has gotten more and more difficult to form long-lasting friendships unless you are an employee or student. Now I’m not saying this is the perfect science for making friends but it stands to reason it is usually easier to make friends where there are more people. Right?

My adventure into online gaming began back in 2014 when I first discovered Guild Wars 2. A universe packed to the brim with a rich story, gameplay mechanics, character customization, skill trees, and an open-world map.

GW2 World Map
Guild Wars 2 map. Image source: Arenanet.

Why are open-world events so great?

Open-world events are a call to arms for willing participants. Players can engage in different open-world activities triggered via conditions being met or timed events. For example, world bosses are usually timed NPCs that spawn based on story actions within a given location.

Returning to Guild Wars 2 — World Boss Wonderment
World Event. Images source:

So why doesn’t Destiny 2 have open-world events? Well, they do! Destiny has Public Events that are identified by flags that appear in pre-selected locations across the map. A player can walk up to this flag and join in the public event. Doing this replenishes their Ammo and Light.

Accessing event flag in EDZ. Image source: Destiny 2.

But, once a player has reached max light there is no reason to take part in these public events and thus they become irrelevant to the wider community.

How could this be transformed?

The truth is Bungie has done an incredible job creating this system and there aren’t any major flaws in how it works.

Destiny 2 world map
EDZ map — images source: Bungie

But my suggestion would be to change the drop table by adding seasonal and rare weapons to the loot pool. Currently, in Season of The Chosen, we have reward tracks for Strike mode which allow players to repeat these missions to get Strike weapons.

We could have something of this style for Public Events too! Adding an extra menu icon for players to select public events from the director below is a mock-up example I have put together.

Destiny 2 director mock up
Event emblem added. Image source: Bungie.

Adding this functionality to public events removes stagnation and encourages positive feedback from the community. This would also create room for gamers to interact with each other and make new friendships.

But hope is not lost after reading Bungie’s latest road ahead and I have some confidence that we may see some changes soon!

I hope you had enjoyed reading this article today, remember that no matter what you are facing at this moment, you can do all things!

Stay safe and Godspeed.

