Will We See More Of Suraya Hawthorne In ‘Destiny 2’?
She Is In The Lore, But Is There More?
The Red War, Curse Of Osiris, Warmind, Forsaken, Season of the Forge, Season of The Drifter, there have been many seasons in Destiny. Some lasting for more than 2–3 months at any given time. Am I making any sense at all?
Destiny 2 launched on September 6th 2017. In this campaign, we lost our light because of an attack on the “Last City” due to the “Cabal” (a warmongering rhino-like race) led by Emperor Dominus Ghaul.
We were forced to flee the last city under the Travler escaping all the dangers of our once protected city we met Suraya Hawthrone (a lightless). Suraya is a human being who has not been gifted by the light. She is now at the Tower, she acts as a liaison between people of the city and Guardians at the request of Zavala after she aided us in reclaiming “The Last City”.
The end, fin there is currently no more story for Ms Hawthorne. What do I mean? The name Suraya mentioned in Destiny lore a total number of 6 times, I will list these lore entries below 👇 if you would like to check them out.
Suraya Lore Entries
Opulent Stalker Cloak | Our Choices Define Us | Glad Tidings
The Underdog | Hollow Words | react|choose|act | act|choose|react
I am not saying this is a bad thing! Far from it; the Bungie writing team did a smashing job! Of establishing this character narrative and creating a true hero the people of the last city could look up to. If circumstances had been right, Hawthorne could be what the Vanguard needs if there was ever a need for the Hunter Vanguard position to be filled. But is it too soon to ask that question? And there is also a matter of Saraya not having the light of the Traveler.
What I Hope For (Keep Dreaming)
Like going to the Ascendant Plane in Season 13 and seeing the realm of The Nine. But jokes aside, I am hopeful that in future seasons new things will happen with Suraya Hawthorne stories worth reading. We could see an expansion focused on the EDZ or rediscovery of Old Chicago (I need to write about that). For now, we can keep talking and keep dreaming for a brighter future in the Destiny universe and in the world around us.
What are your thoughts, should Hawthorne become Hunter Vanguard? Or become a Guardian? If Uldren Sov became a guardian, then anything is possible.
But for now, that’s all I have for you.
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“No matter what you are facing at this moment in time, you can do all things! Stay safe, and God speed!”